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Admin Prof Day


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18 Apr 2016

By Steve Jacobson

administrative professionalsAdministrative Professional's Day, observed this year on Wednesday, April 27, originated during a dramatic time in history. As World War II raged, skilled administrative personnel were desperately needed to keep organizations running smoothly at home. To appropriately recognize the dedication of those in that career, as well as to encourage others to follow suit the National Secretaries Association was established. The Association guaranteed that support personnel, who worked so diligently and contributed so much to their local economies, got the gratitude that they earned.
administrative professionals

As the decades have passed, the organization and the holiday has revised its name twice to represent better society in flux, and a more diverse and challenging work environment. The International Association of Administrative Professionals, as it is now known, has the vision to expand and increase the influence of their members. Far from being a passive group, they concentrate on international membership growth, continuing education opportunities and maintaining a standard of excellence for the industry. The mission of the IAAP is 'to inspire and equip all administrative professionals to attain excellence. At French Florist, we encourage you to show the administrative professionals on your team that their contributions are valued, and that your company would simply not be the same without them. We offer many options that will fit in perfectly in any business or office setting low key, professional or sophisticated green plants, orchids and dish gardens are all options that will make a statement that will last for months after the day.

Depending on the environment of your office and the personality of your administrative personnel, you may wish to surprise the team with an amazing gourmet basket to share and celebrate together. Whether you choose fruit, cheese and crackers or chocolate our deluxe collections of delicious snacks are an excellent way to build camaraderie and appreciation in your business. The experts at French Florist are eager to make suggestions for unique office-appropriate gifts. Stop by the Los Angeles flower shop today but don't wait too long! Administrative Professionals Day will be here before you know it.


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