This is definitely a French Florist go-to design when your recipient is modern, stylish, and fashion-conscious. Stately and elegant, just like that fashionista you know. A stunning bouquet of roses, gerbera daisies and hydrangeas, in delicate hues of pink, yellow, and green, all dressed up with ribbon and raffia.

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This is definitely a French Florist go-to design when your recipient is modern, stylish, and fashion-conscious. Stately and elegant, just like that fashionista you know. A stunning bouquet of roses, gerbera daisies and hydrangeas, in delicate hues of pink, yellow, and green, all dressed up with ribbon and raffia.


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A Fashionista

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A Rhapsody

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Dendrobium Orchid Vase

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A Pink Essence

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A Cloud of Pink Blooms

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