Dazzle your recipient with this unique blend of bright yellow sunflowers and classic red roses adorned with hypericum berries and tastefully arranged in an understated, elegant heavy clear glass vase. Perfect for a desktop, nightstand, coffee table, or really anywhere in your home or office!

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100% satisfaction guaranteed

Dazzle your recipient with this unique blend of bright yellow sunflowers and classic red roses adorned with hypericum berries and tastefully arranged in an understated, elegant heavy clear glass vase. Perfect for a desktop, nightstand, coffee table, or really anywhere in your home or office!


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Sunflower & Roses Cube

Ordering for Mother’s Day 5/10 - 5/12? Order from Mother’s Day Section

Purple Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant

Ordering for Mother’s Day 5/10 - 5/12? Order from Mother’s Day Section

Roses Tulips Lilies Galore!

Ordering for Mother’s Day 5/10 - 5/12? Order from Mother’s Day Section

Orange Roses Lilies & Sunflowers

Ordering for Mother’s Day 5/10 - 5/12? Order from Mother’s Day Section

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